Encaustic Abstract Art

Encaustic Abstract Art on Canvas
By Erica Botha
Encaustic Art SA


  • Canvas
  • Wax : No 32 Pastel Lilac
  • No 16 White
  • No 48 Purple Mixer
  • Tools : Encaustic Art Iron and Heat Gun


  • Step 1: Use a clean Canvas.
  • Step 2: Rub the No. 48 Purple Mixer over the entire canvas. Blow a little bit with the heat gun to warm up the canvas so you can easily add more wax.
  • Step 3: Take a clean high density sponge roller and blow on it with the heat gun while rolling it over the canvas until the whole canvas is evenly covered with a thin layer of wax.
  • Step 4: Use your Encaustic iron and drip No. 48 Purple Mixer all over your canvas.
  • Step 5: Now drip No 32 Pastel Lilac onto the purple and blow it with the heat gun, in an up and down movement.
  • Step 6: Drip a bit of No. 16 White onto your canvas and blow with the heat gun, white flowers on your purple and lilac background.
  • Step 7: Polish your picture with a soft cloth; do NOT polish in circles but from the bottom to the top, or sideways.
  • Step 8: Make sure to sign your work of Art.
  • Step 9: Seal your canvas with Wax sealer.
  • Step 10: Enjoy!